Golf Carts at Night: A Safety Guide
June 9, 2016
Beat The Heat With These Tips For Staying Cool On Your Golf Cart
June 23, 2016We’ve been excited to provide our customers with NEW ATV offerings from Bad Boy Off Road — we now have the new Stampede in stock and will be watching for whatever else is coming down the line! While ATVs are a great way to get outdoors and have a good time, it’s worth keeping these safety tips in mind before you head out into the woods, the backyard, or anywhere else you’re hoping to go:
Dress for the Occasion.
No, we’re not telling you to wear a tux out on your trip through the forest trail or the back forty! It’s still important, for safety reasons, to wear a helmet, over-the-ankle boots, gloves, long pants and long sleeves. This can feel like tough advice to take in the heat of the summer, but can help you prevent scrapes or more serious injuries in the long run. Just make sure you have plenty of water nearby to stay hydrated.
Don’t Ride on the Roads.
ATVs are specifically designed to be kept off the beaten path — taking them out on paved roads puts both you and anyone who may be driving by at risk. If you must travel across a road with them, be sure to cross only when it’s totally traffic-free or in an area specially marked for this kind of crossing.
Don’t Drink and Drive. Seriously.
Since ATVs are operated off-road and are generally kept on private property, many think nothing of taking them out when less than sober. Only operate an ATV when you are of sound (and sober) mind. Drinking (or doing drugs) before taking your vehicle out, even if it’s just around the yard, puts you at serious risk for an accident or injury.
No Passengers Allowed.
On an ATV designed for a single rider, keep it that way. Adding on passengers isn’t safe and should be avoided. On an ATV designed for two, make sure you keep it to exactly that number. These vehicles are designed and tested for their intended number of passengers, and often will be at greater risk of rolling when the weight of extra passengers is added on.
ATVs Require Adult Supervision.
Make sure that any rider 16 and under is supervised by an adult at all times. Unfortunately, we read too many stories about young riders who are unsupervised ending up in accidents that could have been prevented if an adult was nearby.
Need More Tips? Give Us a Call.
Although we’ve only recently begun selling ATVs (alongside our usual offerings of new and preowned E-Z-Go, Bad Boy, and Cushman golf cars), we’ve made it our mission to be well-informed on anything we sell to or work on for our valued customers. If you have questions about the ownership or operation of an All-Terrain Vehicle like the new choices from Bad Boy Off Road, give Go With Garrett’s Golf Cars and Specialty Vehicles a call! We’d love to speak with you about any concerns you have and help you take home the right specialty vehicle for your family. We also provide rental vehicles, service and repairs, and customization options at any of our three locations here in South Carolina. Reach us by phone at (864) 862 7709 for Greenville, (803) 407 2687 for Columbia, (843) 881 8894 for Charleston, or online just by clicking this link.