How To Test Your Golf Cart’s Fuel Pump
September 28, 2016
Bringing Your Cart In for a Checkup? Here’s What to Expect
October 12, 2016While winters in South Carolina stay pretty mild, that doesn’t mean we’re not due for an ice storm or some snow on the ground. You may be interested in taking your golf cart out for a spin when the flakes are flying, but if your golf cart isn’t prepped and winterized, you might find that extra precipitation rusting the frame and taking years off your golf cart’s lifespan. Ensure trouble-free operation this winter by taking our tips for winterproofing your golf cart.
Switch to Synthetic Oil for the Winter
An interesting fact about traditional mineral-based oils is that they don’t flow well below freezing, and can actually freeze themselves. Synthetic oil doesn’t fall prey to this problem and will continue provide engine lubrication even if your ATV is out in cold weather with the engine off for a few hours at a time.
Check the Battery Before You Head Out
If you are wondering how to store lithium batteries for winter, we have the answer! Cold temperatures can affect your battery’s cranking power, especially in South Carolina, where below-freezing temperatures aren’t always common. Make sure connections are tight and your battery works as normal before you leave.
Top Up the Tank
If ice clogs your fuel passages, this could cause a big problem. Even in damp but non-freezing winter weather, moisture may condense in the fuel tank, especially if your ATV or golf cart is moved from a warm garage outside into cold weather and back again frequently. Try to keep the tank full, and regularly add an isopropyl alcohol additive to the fuel.
Stop Corrosion
One of the biggest issues that can cause corrosion in winter is exposure to road salt. Rust and other corrosion can begin quickly when your ATV or golf cart is exposed to road salt during freezing and icy conditions. Spray down the suspension and brakes with a silicone water dispersant before use, which will help to prevent buildup and keep your frame clean. If you can, rinse the ATV after each trip and let it dry in a warm garage.
Golf Cart Winter Enclosure
To protect your golf cart from the elements during the winter season, consider investing in a golf cart winter enclosure. This accessory shields your cart from rain, snow, wind, and cold temperatures, making winter rides more comfortable and enjoyable.
Need Further Advice? Give Garrett’s a Call!
While taking your golf cart out into the snow or ice is sometimes a rare treat in South Carolina (especially in the Midlands and Lowcountry), it can be a lot of fun for the whole family. Our tips will help prevent long-term damage from hurting your ATV or golf cart’s lifespan.
If you’d like further advice or tips on how to winterize your golf cart, give Go With Garrett’s Golf Cars a call! We not only sell new and preowned golf carts and ATVs from brands like E-Z-Go and Cushman, and Tomberlin, we also have exceptional service and repair staff on-hand happy to answer your questions or give your low-speed vehicle a tuneup. Reach us by phone at (843) 881 8894 for Charleston, (864) 862 7709 for Greenville, or contact us online at any time!